Quotes of the Day

Thursday, May. 17, 2007

Open quote'Go fix yourself. This is Iran's advice to you. Leave the region.'
MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD, President of Iran, speaking to the U.S. government at an anti-American rally in the United Arab Emirates on May 13, after Vice President Dick Cheney's Middle East visit

'Overall, the situation was generally peaceful except for some untoward incidents.'
AVELINO RAZON JR., deputy director of the Philippines' national police, on May 14's national elections, during which at least three people were killed in shootings and a grenade attack. At least 126 people have died in election-related violence in the past four months

'The Tibetan nation is passing through its darkest period in 2,000 years.'
THE DALAI LAMA, in a May 9 speech in the U.S., on his continuing struggle with China for greater Tibetan autonomy. The spiritual leader, 71, said he wants to retire in a few years

'We may have won the Cold War, but we lost Eurovision.'
TERRY WOGAN, British TV presenter, on Europe's annual Eurovision song contest. Serbian singer Marija Serifovic (pictured) won this year's May 12 competition in Helsinki due in large part, Wogan said, to the support of voters and judges from other Eastern European countries

'I must admit, I can't imagine anything more awful than polygamy.'
MITT ROMNEY, the Mormon Republican U.S. presidential candidate, whose great-grandfather was a polygamist

'It would be brilliant if he won because, for one thing, he is related to me, and also it would be good for the village.'
HENRY HEALY, a resident of Moneygall, a tiny village in Ireland that recently unearthed records indicating an ancestor of Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama was raised there

'These new threats—as during the time of the Third Reich—are the same contempt for human life and the same claims of exceptionality and diktat in the world.'
VLADIMIR PUTIN, President of Russia, in a speech that prompted some to say he was likening U.S. policy to that of Nazi Germany. The Kremlin said he was referring to violent extremism


800 Number of illegal African migrants intercepted by Spanish authorities as they tried to sail to the Canary Islands last week
6,000 Estimated number of African migrants who died or went missing attempting the same journey last year. Over 30,000 reached the islands—a sixfold increase from 2005

19 trillion Number of frequent-flyer miles awarded by U.S. airlines in the past 25 years, a distance equivalent to circling the globe 760 million times
14 trillion Minimum number of miles passengers have yet to redeem

4% Drop, between 2000 and 2005, in the percentage of U.S. women age 40 and older who reported having a mammogram in the previous two years. In a 2000 survey, 70% of women had had one; five years later, only 66% had
28% Increase in breast-cancer-research spending by the National Cancer Institute over the same five years, topping $560 million in 2005

275 Number of patients Spanish anesthetist Juan Maeso infected with the hepatitis-C virus by injecting them with the same needle he used to inject himself with morphine
1,933 Length in years of a prison term Maeso has been sentenced to by Valencia regional court judges. Under Spanish law, the most time he can serve is 20 years Close quote